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Thursday, April 29, 2010

Sickness becomes art

How does sickness turn into art shows? A perennial question ever since Nietzsche.

Well, in this case, the owner (we’ll call him Alfredo) of O’Barone, a North Italian style restaurant in Red Hook, discovered himself to have a deadly sickness, which required his immediate return to Italy for treatment. The good people at Contaminate NYC, who are friends with Alfredo, stepped in to manage the restaurant in his absence. They, being the unrepentant schemers they are, got to scheming. Let’s contaminate Red Hook they thought. And so they contacted the Mysterious Hanna Mandelbaum about helping out with a series of shows at O’Barone. The Mysterious Hanna contacted me.

Et voila!

On Tuesday 04May10, my show Dark Meat will open at O’Barone.

Who knew an art show at a local restaurant would have such a convoluted back story?

If you are in the area come check it out. The work will be on display until 18May10.

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