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Thursday, March 17, 2011

Un Regard Moderne and Me

I was in Paris last week for a Moebius exhibition at the Fondation Cartier, which, by the way, was amazing and inspiring. I will post more on that at a later date.

But my second order of business was visiting one of the world’s most stupefying book stores. Un Regard Moderne is stacked toe to top with fantastic and stimulating books, books, and more books. If you are a bibliophile, as I most certainly am, or an aesthete, also guilty, you will love it.

I went twice and on the second visit Mr. Noël bought the books I had hauled over from Cabbagetown. If you are ever in Paris and fit one of the two aforementioned categories you must visit.

The facade on Rue Git-le-coeur.


Mr. Noël holding up some newly acquired awesomeness!

The Moth or the Flame and Static Fish cozying up to a stack of paper delight.


pheezy said...

This is right across the street from the infamous Beat Hotel. I've only visited Paris for two days before, but I've been here! I stumbled in and stumbled out an hour later, wide-eyed and bushy-tailed. Thanks for this!

Joshua Ray Stephens said...

It is indeed! So cool you have been there. Pheezy is everywhere.

Unknown said...

Now you got legit spots!

fire-plug said...